ENKDIST - AcrossLimits - Your EU Project Technology Partner


Project acronym: ENKDIST

Project fullname: European Network for Knowledge diffusion of Digital Storytelling

Lifetime: 2012-2014

Sector: ICT in Education

Programme: Life Long Learning Programme

Email[email protected]

About: The Network meets the purposes of the Life Long Learning programme with the intention of exchanging best practice at a European level, endorsing the vision of technology serving lifelong learning. Specifically the project wants to address the ICT’ s contribution considering digital storytelling as a means of Lifelong Learning.

The project aims to transform and integrate national practice into a European procedure, whilst at the same time respecting local identities. The ds methodology will be utilised to valorise lifelong learning experiences across the network: hence the creation of a virtual community of practice on digital storytelling issues, proposing a European framework for users to follow.

The Network will also provide advice and support on transversal issues related to the creative use of digital content and to the employment of basic software tools to create digital stories.

Acrosslimits role: We are the workpackage leaders for exploitation – ensuring that there is continuity after the end of the project. We have also organised storytelling workshops in Malta for the local people – young and old.