Over the last 23 years, AcrossLimits has had the opportunity to collaborate with a number of companies and organisations to promote one another, and look for opportunities of common interest.
What we can offer: AcrossLimits has the knowledge and can bring together the perfect consortium to take on a project or tender anywhere in Europe and beyond, as we are supported by a vast network of professionals, SMEs, universities, public institutions, and non-profit organisations that we have partnered with in over 80 EU projects and the wide-ranging expertise of over 50 professionals we have onboarded through our expert network.
What we would like in return: The sourcing and finding of opportunities and clients in different countries or regions that may benefit from our expertise.
Together we will identify the goals, objectives and expectations of the potential clients, and will formulate the optimal way forward in a win-win collaboration.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a partner and how you may benefit, get in touch with us.