AcrossLimits is committed to providing the best service possible to our clients. Our strong network cluster of experts has been built over the last 20+ years, and includes 50+ individuals stretching across a wide range of disciplines, who are ready to give you the support you need for any project you would like to take to the European stage. These experts give us additional support with our clients and business partners using their specific expertise for projects.Take a look at our current experts here!
How do we work with our experts?
We engage our expert network in different projects and tenders where their expertise is needed, and the work involved can include desk research, market studies, guideline development, policy development, workshop animation, mentoring, coaching, training, report writing, and more. The EU or International tenders that we bid into will provide consultancy services in one of the thematic areas, which can be remote or on site depending on the contract requirements.
Payment is issued according to the expert’s daily rates. Therefore, we will estimate the number of days needed to complete the project, and assign a flat rate based on proof of experience within the sector. Our experts do not incur any monetary fees for this collaboration – they get paid for the work they do.
Finally, we keep tabs with our experts through our webinars which are held every 2-3 months, in which we give updates about our company, network, any upcoming calls and events. We also give space to our experts to present themselves so they can make connections with other experts as well.
We have 5 main categories of experts:
- Management Consultants
- Technology Consultants
- Health Consultants
- Arts and Humanities Consultants
- Environmental Consultants
Experts can only feature in one category on the website. However, in order to cater for any specific expertise in more than one category, experts can indicate experience according to our list of thematic areas (such as Research & Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Gender Equality, Internal Market, Circular Economy…) outlined in the contact.
We engage experts from different countries in order to provide country-specific expertise to our clients when needed, but also to create a strong network with different countries, both within the EU and beyond.
Some of the countries covered: Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, South Africa, France, Italy, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malaysia, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Israel, Finland… and more.
We are currently looking for experts in Albania, Czech Republic, Denmark, Iceland, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia and The Netherlands. However, experts from any country may apply.
Experiences Had By Our Experts
Many of our experts have already helped us with project proposals over the years. Moreover, we have also occasionally sent our experts to represent us in workshops and events.
For instance, one of our core experts Andrea de Polo Saibanti recently attended the EVA Florence conference, as well as the IFLA World Library Congress in Dublin, and the International Council of Archives 2022 in Rome in order to inform delegates of the different solutions we offer in technology, innovation, funding, networking, commercialisation, etc, and also to represent one of our clients.

Moreover, two of our other experts, Jessica Rees-Jones and Daniel Van Lerberghe, attended the ICT4DC project’s Learning, Teaching and Training Activity (LTTA), which was a project workshop held earlier in 2022. For more information about this particular project, check out our recent article here.
How do you apply?
Are you interested in joining our expert network?
You can apply by visiting our website and clicking on Join us in the About Us tab, or by contacting our Expert Network coordinator at [email protected].
At the moment we also have an open call for European Experts in various technology areas (Freelance). The deadline is 31 October 2022.
Apply now!