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  project acronym: Learning by Moving project fullname: Learning by Moving lifetime: 2006 – 2007 programme: Socrates/Lingua 1 project website: email: [email protected] about: Learning by Moving was aimed at promoting the learning of other European languages on public transport. An information campaign was launched in 2006 and 2007 with the target audience of commuters and… Continue reading Learning by Moving


  project acronym: MinervaPLus project fullname: Malta Digital Heritage lifetime: 2006 – 2008 programme: FP6-IST-4 website: email: [email protected] about: MinervaPLUS enlarged the existing thematic network of European Ministries by discussing, correlating and harmonising activities carried out by digitising cultural and scientific content,  creating an agreed European common platform, promoting recommendations and guidelines about digitisation, metadata,… Continue reading MinervaPlus


  project acronym: MOBIVET 2.0 project fullname: Mobile Web 2.0 e-Training for Vocational Education Trainers lifetime: 2012-2014 sector: Education and Training, ICT in Education, Mobile Apps programme: Life Long Learning Programme email: [email protected] about: Mobivet2.0 project aims to fill the online training gap between the self-guided learners and VET trainers by developing mobile Web2.0-based (e-Learning 2.0)… Continue reading MOBIVET 2.0


project acronym: NEWBEE project fullname: Novel Business model generator for Energy Efficiency in construction and retrofitting lifetime: 2012-2015 sector: Smart Cities and Renewable Energies programme: 7th Framework Programme for Research website: email: [email protected] about: The NewBEE project will develop a system enabling SMEs to generate New performance based Business models for cost and Energy Efficient… Continue reading NEWBEE


  project acronym: OpenIoT project fullname: Open Source blueprint for large scale self-organizing cloud environments for IoT applications lifetime: 2012-2014 sector: Smart Cities and Renewable Energies, Mobile Application programme: 7th Framework Programme for Research website: email: [email protected] about: OpenIoT creates an open source middleware for getting information from sensor clouds, without having to worry about what… Continue reading OpenIoT


project acronym: Practise Makes Perfect project fullname: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language lifetime: 2002 – 2004 programme: Socrates/Grundtvig2 email: [email protected] about: The project examined how the command of foreign languages could help promote the intercultural awareness and active participation of European Citizens, and therefore, break personal, cultural and social frontiers. It searched for possibilities to put… Continue reading Practise Makes Perfect


  project acronym: SMILE project fullname: Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education lifetime: 2014-2016 sector: ICT in Education programme: Life Long Learning Programme email: [email protected] about: The Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education (SMILE) aims to gather partner organisations from the educational, labour and social sectors and explore in them… Continue reading SMILE


  project acronym: STENCIL project fullname: Science Teaching European Network for Creativity and Innovation in Learning lifetime: 2011-2013 sector: Science Education, Education and Training programme: Life Long Learning Programme website: email: [email protected] about: The STENCIL Network includes 21 members from 9 European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey. The STENCIL Network’s main… Continue reading STENCIL


project acronym: MICHELANGELO project fullname: New technology to help children with Autism lifetime: 2012-2015 sector: eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living programme: 7th Framework Programme for Research website: email: [email protected] about: MICHELANGELO intends to bring the assessment and the therapy of the autism out of the clinical environment and develop a patient-centric home- based intervention requiring a… Continue reading MICHELANGELO


project acronym: Tell Me How project fullname: European Language Portfolio for the Blind and Visually Impaired lifetime: 2008 – 2009 programme: Lingua Programme email: [email protected] about: The Tell Me How! project promoted and disseminated the European Language Portfolio for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ELPBVI).The ELPBVI was an electronic model of the European Language Portfolio created… Continue reading Tell Me How


  Project Acronym: VOWEL Project Full Name: Learning by Moving Lifetime: 2006 – 2007 Programme: Socrates/Lingua 1 project Email: [email protected] About: The VOWEL project started in November, 2004 proposing to design an e-learning solution, to be tested on several sites in Europe with the support of technical players and European vocational training players, particularly in… Continue reading VOWEL


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