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One of our recently completed projects, Becoming a Woman Coder, has recently been awarded the « Bonne Pratique » Label by the Erasmus+ National Agency in France.   The project was targeted at employment counsellors, providing them with tools to encourage women to pursue coding careers. You can read more about the project by checking… Continue reading Becoming a Woman Coder project awarded « Bonne Pratique » Label


My proposal didn’t get funded, what do I do now? A lot of effort goes into creating a proposal, from bringing together the right consortium, to planning the project methodology and workplan, to drafting the proposal document itself. So it can be incredibly disheartening and disappointing when you receive that dreaded notice that your proposal… Continue reading Resubmitting a funding proposal


What is Alliances for Innovation? Alliances for Innovation is a call for projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme which aims to boost innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. In a broader sense, it seeks to facilitate cooperation between industry and… Continue reading Applying for the Alliances for Innovation Call


Project Acronym: RISE Project Full Name: Raising Inclusion and Skills in Employment Project Number: 2021-2-NL02-KA210-YOU-000048493 Duration: 2022-2023 Sector: Cooperation partnerships in youth Programme: Erasmus Plus Project Description: The mismatch between current job openings and young people in Europe can be attributed to a lack of knowledge from both sides of the needs and skills available.… Continue reading RISE