acrosslimits, Author at AcrossLimits - Your EU Project Technology Partner - Page 9 of 19

Date: 6 June 2022 Time: 10am CET Location: Palazzo del Pegaso, Regional Council of Tuscany, Florence Country: Italy Entry: Free Theme: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts Event details: The key aim of this event is to provide a forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and… Continue reading EVA Florence 2022


AcrossLimits est une entreprise dynamique basée principalement à Malte, offrant des solutions européennes pour la technologie, l’innovation, le financement, la mise en réseau, la commercialisation et plus encore. Notre expérience dans le domaine des opportunités de financements européennes fait de nous le partenaire incontournable pour les services de conseil spécialisés pour les clients de toute… Continue reading Bénéficiez de l’Union Européenne avec AcrossLimits


AcrossLimits is a dynamic company primarily based in Malta, offering European solutions for technology, innovation, funding, networking, commercialisation and more. Our experience with EU opportunities makes us the go-to partner for specialist consultancy services for clients all over Europe. AcrossLimits was founded over 20 years ago in 2001 as a creative technology company, solving problems… Continue reading Benefit from the European Union with AcrossLimits


Project Acronym: EnvisionAlliances Project Full Name: Entrepreneurial Vision Alliances between Higher Education and Industry Project Number: 101055584 — ENVISIONAlliances Duration: 2022-2025 Sector: Alliances for Innovation Programme: Erasmus Plus Project Description: ENVISIONAlliances will serve primarily to develop a novel learning framework that ensures the bringing together of private enterprises with researchers and academics, through the organisation… Continue reading EnvisionAlliances


Project Acronym: Solutions4SLD Project Full Name: Specific learning disabilities solutions – Interactive E-platform for schools. Project Number: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000029399 Duration: 2022-2024 Sector: Cooperation partnerships in school Programme: Erasmus Plus Project Description: The aim of the project is to adapt and standardise an education system for children with specific learning disabilities by developing an interactive and inclusive… Continue reading Solution4SLD


As an influential individual in the European innovation ecosystem, Angele Giuliano has become a European Innovation Council (EIC) Ambassador. Earlier in 2021 Angele was also the National Innovation Champion of the European Innovation Council. Angele has been CEO and managing director at AcrossLimits – a technology and consulting firm, since 2001. She has been active… Continue reading Angele Giuliano Appointed European Innovation Council Ambassador


The SOLIS project, funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, is investigating the core challenges within cultural diversity and discrimination within 12-16 year old school pupils. We first introduced this project here. The project is a collaboration between Loughborough University (UK), E-Consultants (Norway), People Help The People (Italy), AcrossLimits (Malta), European Social… Continue reading The SOLIS Project: Diversity, Inclusion and Education


AcrossLimits’ aim as a company has always been to facilitate innovation and help others succeed with our guidance and knowledge on an individual, societal and international level, by investing time and knowledge with employees, participating in green projects, and working with organisations promoting various causes such as female empowerment. When the pandemic first hit, like… Continue reading When a Pandemic Brings Change