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In the realm of EU Funding, you’ll find many references to the concept of a ‘Gender Equality Plan (GEP)’. Indeed, for public entities, having a GEP is a necessary requirement in order to be eligible to receive funding under the EU’s research framework programme, Horizon Europe. However, as can often happen when something is made… Continue reading Workshop for Private Organisations in Coastal and Maritime Tourism:
Creating Gender Equality Plans


Agricultural technology (AgriTech) represents a transformative sector dedicated to revolutionising agriculture through innovative and advanced technological solutions. This involves the development and application of technologies such as precision farming, vertical farming, IoT-enabled sensors, automated machinery, and AI-driven analytics to optimise crop yields, manage resources better, and reduce environmental impact. AgriTech is paving the way for… Continue reading Exploring AgriTech in the EU


In Malta, about 400 new cases of dyslexia are referred every year, but there are only 18 dyslexia specialist teachers to cater for the estimated 3,000 dyslexic children in State schools.  This is part of an overarching global trend over the past two decades, where the number of children with specific learning difficulties (SLDs) is… Continue reading Solution4SLD: Interactive eLearning Platform and Resources on Specific Learning Difficulties


Health Technology (HealthTech) represents a transformative sector focused on revolutionising healthcare through innovative and advanced technological solutions. Its goal is to enhance patient care, improve healthcare delivery, and increase the efficiency of medical and health services. This involves the development and application of technologies such as telemedicine, electronic health records, wearable health devices, and artificial… Continue reading Flourishing in HealthTech in the EU


Financial Technology (FinTech) represents a dynamic sector focused on modernising, as well as innovating traditional financial services through creative and cutting-edge solutions. Its aim is to enhance user experiences and efficiency in financial transactions and services, as well as develop outside-the-box innovations.  This involves the development and application of technologies such as mobile banking, online… Continue reading Flourishing in FinTech in the EU


Solution4SLD (Specific learning disabilities solutions Interactive E-platform for schools) is an Erasmus+ project that started in 2022, an innovative strategic partnership between 3 specialist NGOs in Lithuania and Bulgaria that work in specialised education, and AcrossLimits, a Maltese SME that specialises in developing innovative e-learning content. The aim of the project is to help provide… Continue reading Conference on educators’ tools and support materials for children with specific learning difficulties (SLD)


This week we take a look at some of the findings in the Qualitative Assessment of Employment Barriers published by the PAITool project, of which AcrossLimits is a partner. The main aim of the PAITool project is to develop and test new flexible opportunities for VET on Artificial Intelligence, which will support SME staff in… Continue reading PAITool project: Qualitative Assessment of Employment Barriers published