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My proposal didn’t get funded, what do I do now? A lot of effort goes into creating a proposal, from bringing together the right consortium, to planning the project methodology and workplan, to drafting the proposal document itself. So it can be incredibly disheartening and disappointing when you receive that dreaded notice that your proposal… Continue reading Resubmitting a funding proposal


What is Alliances for Innovation? Alliances for Innovation is a call for projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme which aims to boost innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. In a broader sense, it seeks to facilitate cooperation between industry and… Continue reading Applying for the Alliances for Innovation Call


AcrossLimits est une entreprise dynamique basée principalement à Malte, offrant des solutions européennes pour la technologie, l’innovation, le financement, la mise en réseau, la commercialisation et plus encore. Notre expérience dans le domaine des opportunités de financements européennes fait de nous le partenaire incontournable pour les services de conseil spécialisés pour les clients de toute… Continue reading Bénéficiez de l’Union Européenne avec AcrossLimits


AcrossLimits is a dynamic company primarily based in Malta, offering European solutions for technology, innovation, funding, networking, commercialisation and more. Our experience with EU opportunities makes us the go-to partner for specialist consultancy services for clients all over Europe. AcrossLimits was founded over 20 years ago in 2001 as a creative technology company, solving problems… Continue reading Benefit from the European Union with AcrossLimits