Project acronym: ENVISION
Project fullname: EmpoweriNg (European) SME business model InnovatiON
Lifetime: 2015-2017
Sector: Education and Training
Programme: Horizon 2020
Email: [email protected]
About: ENVISION – Empowering SME business model Innovation is an EU funded project under the framework programme Horizon2020. The project gathers nine partners and their wide networks across Europe to build the tools, study the impact of such tools and activate the SMEs for using the tools. Acrosslimits Limited is the Maltese partner in the project.
In the current tough economic environment, business model innovation can be the key to becoming or staying competitive. To boost European competitiveness and job creation, the ENVISION – Empowering SME business model Innovation, project will activate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Europe to re-think and transform their business models with the help of an easy-to-use, open-access, self-service web platform.
One of the project’s concrete objectives is to increase awareness of business model innovation and reach out to at least 15% of European SMEs (that is a whopping 3 million SMEs) while ensuring that the most prominent companies for new job creation are involved. The ambitious goal of the ENVISION project is pursued by a consortium of nine partners from seven countries. In addition, there are over 20 SME stakeholder networks participating across Europe. There is a lot of talk about business model innovation in small businesses. Our aim is to find out how significant the impact is for the European economy. One of the most important aims of the project is that we’ll build and make easy-to-use tools available for small companies looking for improving their business.
Acrosslimits role: Acrosslimits is in charge of work package 6 – Outreach. To target the maximum number of SME’s, Acrosslimits is signing MOU’s with multiplier organisations.