The healthcare, economic, and social crises throughout European history have highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of societies, and emphasised the importance of comprehensive management to minimise their impact. To combat these crises, individuals need to be equipped with the necessary organisational and managerial skills, and the administration should support society by increasing the quality of life and education level of the adult population. The MARS (Methodological Approach for Real Social Effects in Adult Education) Project is an Erasmus+ Adult Education initiative spanning two years, from 2021 to 2023, aiming to reduce contradictory emotional states such as violence, anger, despair, panic, uncontrolled disengagement created by individuals in crisis. The project also seeks to help individuals contribute to the production of different competencies and improve their literacy skills in terms of digital, health, information, and economy.

Aim of the project
One of the primary goals of the MARS project is to reduce the negative emotional states experienced by individuals in crisis situations, such as violence, anger, despair, panic, uncontrolled behaviour, and disengagement. Through the development of adult education modules, the project intends to guide adult educators and create good practices for Learning, Teaching, and Training (LTT) activities. These modules will empower individuals to acquire various competencies and improve their literacy skills in digital, health, information, and economic domains.
The MARS Project serves an excellent purpose to enhance adult education in Europe. It is an opportunity for individuals to develop new skills and competencies while contributing to their community’s development. It highlights the importance of cooperation and coordination among institutions to create a positive impact on society.
Target groups
The project target group consists of three groups:
- The first group comprises trainers, trainees, and institution managers working in adult education centres where pilot applications will be executed.
- The second group involves other adult education institutions, non-governmental organisations, associations, institutions volunteering with adult audiences, decision-makers, local governments, and press agents.
- The third group comprises all kinds of institutions and adults who will benefit from the project results.
The project partners
The MARS Project involves two intellectual outputs:
- e-Learning platform
- e-Book

Further information and resources can be found on the project website
At AcrossLimits, we participate in various Erasmus+ projects every year, contributing as technical partners creating digital online platforms, leading dissemination efforts, or providing our expertise in sustainability and exploitation activities.
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