project acronym: MOBIVET 2.0
project fullname: Mobile Web 2.0 e-Training for Vocational Education Trainers
lifetime: 2012-2014
sector: Education and Training, ICT in Education, Mobile Apps
programme: Life Long Learning Programme
email: [email protected]
about: Mobivet2.0 project aims to fill the online training gap between the self-guided learners and VET trainers by developing mobile Web2.0-based (e-Learning 2.0) knowledge and skills of the trainers thus turning them from in-class trainers to skilled online mobile tutors (e-tutors). These aims are linked with the European politics in the field of education and training defined in “Council Conclusions on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020)”, Brussels, May 12 2009, the Lisbon Strategy and other EC documents.
The project will broaden the e-skills and competencies of European VET practitioners (teachers, trainers and tutors) and help develop adequate online training practices for effective distant tutoring of lifelong self-learning activities at the workplace and on the go without time and distance barriers. This way the project will support the development of innovative ICT-based tutoring services, pedagogies and practices for lifelong learning.
acrosslimits role: We are the co-ordinators of the project dealing with all project management issues. Moreover we also have a role in building part of the courses and materials developed and in local dissemination of the project.