Educational Technology (EdTech) is a rapidly evolving field with the purpose of integrating technology into educational environments with the purpose of enhancing the learning experience and improving outcomes. This can be achieved through advancements in the manner in which learning material is delivered, both in classrooms and workshops (be they physical or digital), and self-learning material which is adapted to the needs and capabilities of the learners.In this fast-paced economic and technological global environment, traditional schooling methods are at their limit and this was clearly demonstrated during the years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, lifelong learning has never been more important, with a growing number of workers having to regularly improve their skills, adapt, or even reskill as automation and artificial intelligence take up a more prominent role in economic activities. With the demand for learning on the rise and with a growing number of complexities to address the needs, Edtech can provide solutions to the problems faced by educational institutions.

According to the European EdTech Alliance, there are nearly 1,500 companies involved in the industry in Europe, and this number may increase, with around €1.64 billion having been invested in 2022 alone.
The sector is expected to continue being a priority for the European Union (EU). This is demonstrated in the Digital Education Action Plan 2021 – 2027 (DEAP) initiative of the European Commission, which sets out a common vision of high-quality, inclusive, and accessible digital education in Europe and proliferating the use of digital tech. It includes a number of relevant action plans, such as creating a European Digital Education Content Framework, focusing on connectivity and digital equipment for education and training, development of digital transformation plans for education and training institutions and more.

This leads to a number of funding opportunities that can incorporate EdTech, such as in the Horizon Europe programme, as well as Erasmus+. Furthermore, one may also find opportunities related to EdTech through the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), through the development of Knowledge and Innovation Communities. It is also set to host an event named the EIT Ed Tech Conference 2024 in Brussels toward the end of January.
To date AcrossLimits has been involved in several projects related to EdTech, with the education sector being a forte of the company since it hosts its own fully licensed VET educational institution, TrainingMalta.
A non-exhaustive list of projects AcrossLimits has been a part of related to Edtech include:
- InnovaLab: a project aimed at stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices in Higher Education Institutions, through digital tools.
- SOLIS: a project aimed at developing an e-learning platform and web portal, adopting a whole-school approach to promote wellbeing and social inclusion through understanding cultural diversity.
- SCOBE: a project which developed a state-of-the-art blended learning course for people in the renewable energy industry, enhancing educational approaches in this sector.
If you have a project idea for which you’d like to make use of funding available to bring it to life, then be sure to get in touch. With over 22 years of experience in funding procurement and participation in over 80 successful EU projects to date, AcrossLimits has a dedicated and experienced team that can help you draft proposals and apply to EU funding opportunities. With our expansive network spanning both the private and public sector as well as academia, we’re in pole position to cater to your needs.
To learn more about how we can help you make your project idea a reality, contact us at: [email protected].