In Malta, about 400 new cases of dyslexia are referred every year, but there are only 18 dyslexia specialist teachers to cater for the estimated 3,000 dyslexic children in State schools.
This is part of an overarching global trend over the past two decades, where the number of children with specific learning difficulties (SLDs) is continuously increasing. SLD is an umbrella term that refers to a group of conditions that hinder a person’s ability to listen, think, speak, write, speak, or do calculations – specific SLD conditions include dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.
Current estimates suggest that SLDs affect between 5-12% of the EU population. These individuals are navigating through life in a largely non-’dys’ friendly way – particularly in mainstream education. Society is gradually but steadily becoming aware of the problem of specific learning disabilities, and thus it is increasingly demanding adequate help for children with learning difficulties from its educational institutions. SLDs have no cure, but early intervention can greatly reduce their effects. Getting early help increases the chance of success in school for those children and later in their life. If a learning difficulty is left undiagnosed and therefore unaddressed, the children may begin to feel frustrated, which can lead to low self-esteem and other problems.

The Solution4SLD Project
Solution4SLD (Specific learning disabilities solutions Interactive E-platform for schools) is an Erasmus+ project implemented between 2022-2024 that targets precisely this context. The aim of the project is to help adapt the education system for children with specific learning difficulties (SLD). It provides learning content, guidance, and support material for teachers, educators and specialists on how to provide a more inclusive educational experience for children with SLD, in particular focusing on dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Solution4SLD came about because in each of the countries involved in the project, educators do not receive enough information about SLD and how to effectively address it within a classroom context. While there are support systems in place, both public and private, it can be difficult for educators on the ground to know what SLD is, how to spot it, what support exists, and when and how to refer to them. Moreover, educators need practical tools and resources that they can readily use in the classroom in order to help children as much as possible.
Solution4SLD targets children with specific learning difficulties aged 6-12, the educators who teach and work with these children, other pedagogical staff, specialists such as speech language pathologists, and parents.
The project was implemented by 4 organisations from Lithuania, Bulgaria, and Malta, who specialise in education for children with learning difficulties, eLearning, and game development.
What have we done?
(1) Digital Handbook for Teachers and Educators: a specially-designed guide to introduce educators to SLD, enabling them to better recognize how dyslexia and dysgraphia present themselves in children and to give tips on how to provide better learning support. This was written with educators in mind, using practical and easy to understand language. The book also includes a chapter on each participating country’s status quo in terms of support systems in place for children with SLD.

(2) An e-learning platform for educators and students: 72 worksheets (designed for children of multiple age groups) that educators can use online or download for free to use directly with children. These worksheets allow educators/parents to help children work on skills across 6 areas of development: visual perception, phonological perception, reading technique, text comprehension, grammar skills, and coherent language. The worksheets are available in English, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, and Maltese.

18 of these tasks have been translated into interactive online games that children can play on the platform.

All Solution4SLD material can be accessed for free on the project’s website:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project no. 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000029399