Solution4SLD - AcrossLimits - Your EU Project Technology Partner


Project Acronym: Solutions4SLD
Project Full Name: Specific learning disabilities solutions – Interactive E-platform for schools.
Project Number: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000029399
Duration: 2022-2024
Sector: Cooperation partnerships in school
Programme: Erasmus Plus

Project Description: The aim of the project is to adapt and standardise an education system for children with specific learning disabilities by developing an interactive and inclusive e-learning platform and handbook for schools. The main tasks of the project are to improve learning and teaching quality in schools for children with specific learning and writing disabilities, and to ensure and support innovative, open teaching and e-learning to enhance the effectiveness of teaching methods employed with children with learning disabilities. Solutions4SLD will furthermore seek to reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries, to challenge steroetypes and develop tolerance and understanding of students with specific learning disabilities across Europe.

Our Role: AcrossLimits will be involved in the development of the e-learning platform for Solutions4SLD. The e-learning platform will empower teachers in handling situations when teaching children with specific learning disabilities. It will consist of a collection of worksheets and templates for teachers, including interactivie exercises for children presented through educational games and other audio and verbal exercises. These worksheets and templates are intended for children who have learning difficulties especially for those who have specific learning disabilities (such as dyslexia, dysgraphia), and will help support their reading skills and literacy. AcrossLimits will also be involved in the development of a digital handbook that will serve as a theoretical methodological guide to acquaint teachers with children of specific learning disabilities, to learn to recognize students with these disabilities, and to help know how to provide them with necessary learning support.

The Learning Peculiarities Center Labyrinth (Lithuania)
Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations (Bulgaria)
AcrossLimits (Malta)
Inovaciju tinklas (Lithuania)

Coordinator: Mokymosi ypatumu centras – Labirintas