AcrossLimits is currently participating in the Practical AI Training Tool for Digital Transformation of SMEs (PAITool) project, which is funded by Erasmus+, an EU funding programme which is centred around education.
Its main aim is to develop and test new flexible opportunities for VET on Artificial Intelligence (AI), that will support SME staff in adapting to and enacting digital transformation. Throughout the project, SME staff will learn how to incorporate AI systems and tools in their own business structure and gain a competitive edge in the market.
For this project, AcrossLimits is partnering with the Slovak Center for Digital Innovations (SCDI).

How can you be involved in the project?
We are currently carrying out research for our Digitisation Needs Analysis as well as our Qualitative Assessment of Employment Barriers.
We’ve just launched a Digitisation Needs survey to explore the digitisation needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
You can find the survey here:
We’ve also launched a survey tackling Employment Barriers, to gather information on the challenges faced by those who are currently unemployed and are struggling to find work, to see how we can help them upskill or reskill to enhance their chances of finding employment in this increasingly digital age.
You can find the survey here:
We would also like to interview people such as experts in occupational psychology and human resources, who can help us identify obstacles which may prevent unemployed people from learning the skills they need to find a job. If you are interested, please send us an email on [email protected].
You can also access our e-Learning platform on our website and carry out the course by clicking the link below:
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