Project Acronym: Weight Matters
Project Full Name: Weight Matters: Strengths-based Coaching for Weight Literacy
Duration: 24 months (2018-2019)
Sector: Healthy living/social exclusion
Programme: Erasmus Plus – Strategic Partnerships
Project Number: 2017-UK01-KA202-036623
Email: [email protected]
About: The main objectives of Weight Matters are to improve both the physical health and psychological wellbeing of people from lower socioeconomic groups who are normally at risk of social and health exclusion, by supporting them to develop skills and strategies for weight literacy. In addition, Weight Matters will run a set of its Weight Free Groups specifically for groups of women from lower socioeconomic groups, who may face additional challenges and barriers to weight literacy.
AcrossLimits’ Role: Acrosslimits’ role in the project is the piloting of the Weight Matters training programme, the website and overall dissemination of the project.